
Born to a British father and Indonesian mother, Shirley grew up in Singapore where at the age of 10 attended boarding school in Edinburgh, Scotland and then to University in England. Shirley then moved to Paris for two years before eventually moving back home to Singapore in 2011. She worked in the Oil & Gas industry for eight years before finally leaving to pursue her own businesses and passions. Shirley is a certified professional life coach, certified reiki master and spinal energetics practitioner and has a degree in business management with both French and Spanish languages. She is a mother to two precious children and married to a fabulous Finn.

 Healing Journey

It would be impossible to write everything down in a few paragraphs to describe the events that led Shirley towards her healing journey, however, she openly and happily shares her story in detail with you through her work, coaching and platforms for the purpose of healing. The goal for sharing her experience is that she doesn't want you to feel like you are going through this alone.

In 2013, Shirley's first husband left the marriage a few months into her first pregnancy when she discovered infidelity and numerous affairs. Despite all attempts of a reconciliation and therapy, the infidelity continued and the marriage ended. Shirley was left devastated, not realizing that the pain was manifesting physically. During the pregnancy, both her and her baby's health were deteriorating and at the same time, she found herself going through periods of deep depression.

At 28 weeks pregnant, Shirley was rushed to the hospital to deliver her baby prematurely and almost lost her son as a result having to be resuscitated at birth, weighing 900 grams and later spending two months in NICU. The entire experience caused PTSD, panic attacks and anxiety for the years to come.

Divorce wasn't the end of her suffering. It was only the beginning of what would become years of psychological hardship as she tried to heal from, what she would later learn to be, a narcissistic relationship. Shirley felt she had reached rock bottom and her depressive thoughts continued until her spiritual journey began, where she felt the Universe had intervened.


“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”

― Rumi

Spiritual Awakening Journey

Shirley has always been sensitive to and interested in the paranormal growing up but never used to believe in a higher power, source or God. That changed when she found herself in the darkest time of her life when this higher power found her. She was then catapulted into the spiritual and energetic world, embarking on a journey she could never return from. Shirley has had several past lives as an energy healer and clairvoyant. From a skeptic, she became a full believer.

In this particular lifetime, Shirley is a certified energy healer, a spiritual intuitive and has a very strong affinity for the angels in particular. With the gentlest of nudges from the spirit world and perpetual signs from the Universe, Shirley has been guided to teach, heal and share her life journey and experiences with you for the purpose of healing.

*Note: Shirley is not associated with any religion, please read more at the bottom of the page.

Moving Forward

The following is written in Shirley's words. 

"Now I see that what happened was a huge blessing in disguise. I saw the true colors of everyone around me and it was a relief to remove them from my life. This whole experience was the hardest lesson I had to go through but it made me become the person I am today and ultimately led me to find true happiness. I would not have had such a monumental shift in life had I not gone through this painful period. I would not have had my baby boy.

For years, I underwent a process of healing, growth, self-realization and self-love. It took me a while to rebuild myself but I was determined to heal and did not give up.

Until today the people who hurt me still show no remorse, no shame and take no responsibility for what they have done but it didn't matter, I didn't need that to move forward. They didn't know I carried within me the most powerful force in the universe, love, and it was the Universe and the Angels who reminded me of that. I didn't need an apology to move on with my life, to be grateful for what I have and to have love and laughter flowing through me again. They do not control my happiness and I will never ever give them that power.

In the end, I made the decision to choose peace over pain and love over fear. I accepted my past and released it, healed the wounds and forgave, forgiving myself and everyone who hurt me. I do not carry hatred, anger, guilt or shame and I made the choice to see the whole situation with compassion. In 2016, at one of my lowest points, I underwent a spiritual awakening when angels first made themselves known to me. Wonderful healers I met guided me and the angels were always there but I had to learn that, essentially, I was the one who had to choose to heal on my own. Nobody could have healed me, except me.

In 2019, I began a new chapter in my life and married an incredible man, Tuomas, who loves me and respects me for who I am. My miracle baby, Leo is healthy and strong and my husband is raising him and loving him as his own. My heart is bursting with so much love for my family. It is now the year 2022 and we welcomed our first child together, Emma.

Today, I am happier than ever as I carry more compassion, strength and wisdom within me than I ever did before. I aim to help those who are healing and wanting to regain the happiness that they have lost because I know from experience that it is possible to get it back."

Lasting thoughts

I am here to tell you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that you are never truly alone. That life is about creation and that we can ultimately manifest the life we desire through our thoughts, words and actions. That we can choose to heal, choose to let go of our past and choose to be happy again. Life can be extremely tough but I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and that we can get through it all to become the person we need to become.

Our soul is ever evolving and ever creating. Remember the power of love, the most powerful force in the universe and that true love for others can only be achieved once you have acquired true love for yourself. Make your heart burst with so much love that it can then overflow to others and to the rest of the world.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for being here. Sending you infinite love and healing! May you be open to what the Universe has in store for you. It will transform you.

*Know that I do not follow any religion and that I can be identifying God as either God, source, creator, higher power or the Universe interchangeably throughout the blog.

Everything written by me on this site is hand on heart the absolute truth from my perspective and from my own personal experiences and learning. I understand that the content on this website may not be for everyone and it is really okay if the content does not resonate with you, I suggest that you move on with love. I am not here to convince you of my healing methods nor of my spiritual beliefs. Remember that our journeys are all different from one another so do take only what you need from here and I wish you all the best on your journey moving forward.


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