20 Powerful Gratitude Affirmations

healing spirituality May 06, 2022

Thanksgiving is here! What better way to celebrate this occasion than with some powerful affirmations!

Further to my article, The Power of Gratitude, you can create a positive shift in your life by repeating these affirmations on a daily basis or whenever you feel the need to. Feel the power of the words as you say them out loud so that you send the clearest message to the universe.

The more you feel the words and the emotions from the affirmations the more the universe can tune into your frequency and send these positive emotions and situations back to you.

Here are 20 powerful affirmations I made for you!

  1. I am thankful to the universe for guiding me and supporting me in all that I do
  2. I am grateful for all the lessons presented to me in this lifetime, even the painful ones
  3. I am grateful for waking up to a new day, filled with new opportunities
  4. I am blessed for all the loving relationships and loving people around me
  5. I am grateful for attracting positive people and positive situations into my life
  6. I am thankful for everything that is provided to me and my heart is always open to receive more
  7. I am grateful to live a life full of compassion, humility, simplicity and peace
  8. I am blessed with success and that everything I choose to do prospers
  9. I am grateful for the beauty of the earth and the nature that surrounds me
  10. I am blessed for attracting infinite abundance and blessings everyday into my life
  11. I am grateful for being divinely protected and guided by the higher realms every day
  12. I am grateful to be able to co-create my reality and manifest my desires
  13. I am thankful for my own uniqueness and for the confidence I have in myself
  14. I am blessed to have a deeper appreciation for life that feeling and expressing gratitude gives me
  15. I am thankful for my health and for those who have cared for me and care for me always
  16. I am grateful that I can love, feel love and give love to myself and to those who need it
  17. I am grateful for seeing the love and beauty in myself and I cherish every part of my being
  18. I am blessed for the body given to me and I give my body the best care
  19. I am thankful to the universe for always working for my highest good
  20. I am grateful for the freedom to make choices and for the path I choose to take in my life

Create your own Affirmations

A wonderful thing you can do is to make your own affirmations! A gratitude journal can go a long way. You can create your affirmations best suited to you. You can be specific or not it is entirely up to you.

If you are in a space where you can’t say them out loud, you can say your affirmations silently in your head. I personally find that there is more power in saying the words out loud but the most important thing is to feel the emotions as you read them, whether out loud or not.

For example, let’s look at the affirmation ‘I am blessed with success and that everything I choose to do prospers’, visualize in your mind that you are already successful and visualize everything that comes with it, if it’s money, a big office, a job position or a dream home, imagine you already have that and FEEL having it all, that you have already reached that state of success.

Feeling that it has already happened and is happening in your life right now is the best way to attract it back to you. By feeling that you have what you want and by feeling gratitude at the same time, it is truly a fast-track ticket to manifesting your desires. What you appreciate and value will come back to you eventually and you will have more things to be appreciative about!

Lasting Thoughts

Write down your affirmations and be consistent with them! We’re already so lucky to be where we are today and with what we have. I want you to see the beauty around you and appreciate the good out there. Don’t focus on the negative and the bad. Remember that there are people out there who are happier with so much less and they are usually the ones with the biggest hearts.

I am keeping this post short and sweet. With that being said I am wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! Have a wonderful time with your family and friends!

Sending you lots of love and good energy! Shirley xx

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