Divorce and Heartbreak Recovery Circle

Jun 09, 2023

We have all been through a form of separation, breakup or experienced a relationship ending, whether abruptly or over time, it is always a hurtful process. I personally went through a divorce and struggled to find a suitable environment to heal and receive support.

It was a very lonely experience, but I realized today that it didn't have to be one. If I had been more proactive in searching for a circle, group or supportive environment perhaps it would have cushioned the healing journey, even if just a little. I knew I needed every help I could get.

Divorce and heartbreak can be incredibly challenging for each and every one of us, deeply affecting our emotional well-being and quality of life. However over the years, women have discovered a powerful tool for healing and empowerment— a support circle

Women's circles in particular have held immense importance throughout history and ancient times. They have been instrumental in preserving feminine wisdom, providing support, empowerment, and healing, fostering sisterhood, and promoting personal and collective growth

These circles continue to be relevant today, offering a healing space for women to come together, find solace and reclaim themselves and their lives.

In this blog post, we will explore the benefits and importance of creating a Divorce and Heartbreak support circle, and delve into how this circle provides support, connection, and growth.

Healing from heartbreak is possible, my story surely is proof, and you don't have to do it alone.

What is a Divorce and Heartbreak Recovery Circle?

It is a support group or gathering specifically designed for women who are navigating the emotional challenges and complexities of divorce or heartbreak. It provides a safe and inclusive space for women to share their experiences, emotions, insights and guidance related to their personal journeys of divorce or heartbreak.

Women come together to offer and receive support, validation, and understanding from others who are going through similar circumstances and the circle aims to create a supportive community where women can express themselves, process their emotions, and find healing and empowerment in a non-judgmental environment.

From personal experience, it makes a huge difference talking to somebody who has walked down a similar path to you than with somebody who hasn't. There is already an instant connection there even before you speak to each other and it is extremely healing and comforting.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash


The Benefits of Joining a Women's Circle

Joining a women's circle has many benefits that contribute to personal growth, emotional well-being, and a sense of belonging.

Here are some key benefits of joining a women's circle:

  1. Emotional Healing and Processing: Women's circles provide a safe and nurturing space for sharing and expressing emotions. By opening up and being heard by others who have similar experiences, women can find validation, release pent-up emotions, and gain a deeper understanding of their own feelings.

    This process promotes healing, reduces feelings of isolation, and truly fosters emotional resilience.

  2. Sense of Belonging and Connection: Women's circles create a supportive community where participants can find a sense of belonging. Connecting with other women who are going through similar challenges can alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation.

    Sharing stories, listening to others' experiences, and offering support builds a sense of camaraderie and reminds individuals that they are not alone on their journey.

  3. Women Empowerment and Personal Growth: This is about regaining and embracing their personal power. For some women, they are taking back their own power that they have given away selflessly over the years. The circle acts as a catalyst for personal growth by providing a platform for self-reflection, self-discovery, and self-empowerment.

    By sharing insights and lessons learned with each other, women can regain their strength, confidence, and a renewed sense of purpose.

  4. Learning from Shared Experiences: Women's circles offer a unique opportunity to learn from the experiences of others who have walked a similar path. By listening to different perspectives and stories, participants can gain new insights, strategies, and coping mechanisms for navigating the challenges of divorce and heartbreak. This collective wisdom can inspire personal growth and equip women with practical tools for moving forward.

  5. Supportive and Non-Judgmental Environment: Women's circles provide a non-judgmental space where participants can express themselves authentically. The circle encourages active listening, empathy, and understanding, creating an atmosphere of compassion and acceptance, allowing women to share their vulnerabilities, fears, and successes without fear of criticism or judgment.

  6. Networking and Resource Sharing: Joining a women's circle opens up opportunities for networking and resource sharing. Participants can connect with other women who may offer valuable insights, professional guidance, or access to helpful resources such as therapists, counselors, or support services. This network of support can extend beyond the circle, providing a valuable web of connections and resources.

  7. Accountability and Motivation: By setting personal goals, sharing progress, and offering encouragement, members can support each other in achieving their desired outcomes. The circle provides a space for celebrating successes, offering gentle reminders, and providing accountability and support during challenging times.

Join Shirley's Divorce and Heartbreak  Recovery Circle (Currently Not Available)

We welcome women anywhere on their journey, whether divorced, separated, never married, questioning their relationship, remarried or those still healing from their past. If you feel drawn to this circle, there is usually a reason towards it.

This is an in-person event in Singapore. Even if it is for you to retreat to a safe space, it can mean everything to one person and that is all that matters. From my own experience, having the right people listen is powerful enough to help you shift from a negative to a positive perspective, helping you release what no longer serves you and give you the clarity you need to move forward.

Everything that is brought up or said in the circle remains private and confidential as trust and respect are highly valued here.



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