Happiness is the Best Revenge

healing May 06, 2022

The old law about an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind.   

Martin Luther King Jr.

Have you ever thought of taking revenge to get back at the people who hurt you? Do you think it will do you any good if you hurt the people who hurt you? Will it make you feel any better? I know, you are hurt and left in a state of bitterness and anger. You cannot stop replaying in a loop of what happened to you, feeling the pain fresh in your mind over and over again. I remember the rage flowing through me, the pain coursing through my veins, the tears that wouldn’t stop, the aching heart and what were the people who hurt me feeling about it? Absolutely nothing.

It was more than unfair. I wanted them to understand my suffering and feel my pain. I felt invisible and maybe taking revenge would open their eyes. How could they cause so much agony and walk away as if nothing had happened? It took me a while to understand that everything I was feeling was not affecting them in the slightest. They were feeling none of it and at that time I really wanted them to but no matter what I did, they were completely oblivious to what I was going through.

I thought of many ways to take revenge, to hurt and humiliate them like they did to me but in the end, after every single vengeful thought, i would push it aside and eventually the negative thoughts would disappear. It wasn’t me to exact revenge, to hurt others and I knew I was better than that. I had to remind myself that I was a good person and a good role model for my son. Every time I looked at my son and the love that pours out of me when I do, it would immediately pull me out of my negative state of thinking. So what did I do in the end? I took the high road and looking back at everything now, I am so glad I did.

Should I take revenge?

Simple answer? No, no and no. It doesn’t do you any good nor does it change what has already been done. It will affect your karma and you do not want that! You’re only feeding more energy into something so negative when you should already be putting all of your energy into your healing instead. Vengeful thoughts are nothing but poison to the mind and body. You already have enough on your plate so why add more to it? You are not causing them any damage by being angry and we don’t want to be causing damage to anyone anyways. Causing pain to the people who hurt you will only bring you down to their level and that is not you. The anger remains only within you and over time it will fester, obstructing your healing process and may be causing even more problems.

Energetically speaking, when you are harboring negative thoughts, you are unknowingly attracting more negativity into your life. Energy flows where the mind goes. Remember that you are constantly manifesting your reality with your thoughts, words, emotions and actions so your thinking must change first. Let all the negativity and the vengeful thoughts go. Believe that taking revenge is not even an option to you. It is a heavy weight on your shoulders that you don’t need and requires so much energy to sustain. It is exhausting and in the end, it just comes to no good. The negativity holds you back and prevents you from moving forward.

Changing your mindset won’t be an easy thing to do but once you achieve this, you will finally feel so much lighter. Remember that this is a temporary phase in your life, your emotions are temporary too and you definitely do not want to do something that will affect your life permanently. Let it go.

How do I deal with vengeful thoughts?

The best thing you can do is to:

  • Remember that revenge is fruitless as it will delay your healing process and will generate unwanted karma.
  • Understand that what you’re feeling right now is temporary and taking revenge can cause regret in the future.
  • Know that taking revenge doesn’t change the past nor will it help you, anyone else or any situation.
  • Direct all of your focus on healing yourself and on moving forward.
  • Push all negative thoughts away as soon as it comes up. Focus on the present and only on positive thoughts.
  • Release the hate and anger inside of you, it is futile to keep these emotions within you.
  • Have compassion for yourself and those who hurt you. Having compassion doesn’t justify that what they did was right. Observe from afar why they are hurting people in the first place. Most of the time it is because they need deep healing.
  • Learn to forgive. Through forgiveness you release the binds of your past and you can finally attain the inner peace you deserve.
  • Practice gratitude. Being grateful invites more blessings into your life.

I know the above is a lot to take in. Take it at your own time but do make the effort. It will be all worth it in the end and you will be so thankful you pushed yourself through it all.

Lasting Thoughts

Living well is the best revenge.

George Herbert

Focusing on healing and on becoming the person I wanted to become was so much more important that exacting revenge. I only wanted love and peace to occupy my mind and left no room for anything that wasn’t for my highest good.

What about Karma? Well, I am a firm believer of karma, that what you do unto others will come back to you and that ‘you reap what you sow’. I know the universe will take care of anything and everything that is out of my control. One important thing I had to learn was to give up control and leave it all to the universe. I finally understood that the laws of karma are inevitable and there is no need to intervene. I did not need to take revenge or to see anything terrible happen to the people who hurt me to move on and be happy. Whatever happens or doesn’t happen to them from now on doesn’t matter anymore, it is irrelevant to where I am in my journey.

Finding my happiness and living well was the best ‘revenge’ I took. Some people believe that success is the best revenge. Whatever you choose to do for yourself (remember for yourself, not for anyone else) and as long as it is positive and not hurting anyone, you have already conquered so much more than you could have ever imagined. Remember to be strict about what you let occupy your mind because it will come back to you in your life.

If you haven’t done so, please read my article ‘Why do we hold on to pain?’ to learn about moving on from our past, forgiveness and releasing the pain that we carry with us. Not only do we have to get rid of negative, vengeful thoughts in our healing process, we also need to get rid of negative people who are not good for us. My blog post ‘Getting rid of toxic people’ talks about releasing negative people out of your life. I give you the options here because your spirit guides and angels will draw you to certain posts they want you to read.

I hope that you live well, look after yourself, love, forgive and have compassion for everyone around you. You will attract so much more love and blessings this way. Be strong, be happy and choose the path of love, always.

Have a great day! Sending you lots of love.

Shirley xx

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