Introducing Spinal Energetics - a healing modality you never knew you needed

May 24, 2023

I always felt that something was missing in my life, until I discovered Spinal Energetics. It has changed my life and I realized that this modality was the missing piece I had been searching for.

Many years ago, I was still in the corporate world when I was told by a healer that I would in fact become one myself, just like her. Brushing that comment aside as I navigated through the natural rollercoasters of life, I realized in fact that she had been right. I maneuvered through a ghastly divorce, became a Reiki Master, left the corporate world and later became a Professional Life Coach. However, despite this, I still felt like I hadn't found what I was truly looking for.

Then one day I found an episode on Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop on Netflix with energy practitioner John Amaral. I was instantly hooked and fell in love with this absolutely bizarre looking modality. A few months later, my future teacher Dr. Sarah Jane randomly popped up on my Instagram along with her Spinal Energetics page and I discovered she was offering an intensive course teaching the same modality. How had I not found out about this earlier!

Fast forward a few more months and I applied for her course, waiting for the verdict on whether I would be accepted and trusting that if this was meant to be it would happen.

Lo and behold, was I overly ecstatic when I received an email saying I had been accepted. I hurriedly made the necessary arrangements to fly out to Melbourne from Singapore and finally and thankfully became a certified Spinal Energetics practitioner.

The relief I felt when I finally found this method of working with energy was huge. I wanted something that was tangible, where you could feel and move the energy. I also loved moving and working with my clients around the table, speaking to them before and after the session, connecting with them in person. Coaching complemented this part beautifully.

This course has blown me away and I cannot thank Dr. Sarah Jane enough for sharing her wisdom and knowledge with us. You can sense the generosity and love from her just from seeing her share and teach this unique gift. You can read more about Sarah here.

So what is Spinal Energetics, read on to find out.

What is Spinal Energetics? 

Spinal Energetics is a beautiful blend of Eastern and Western medicine. It is a gentle yet powerful healing modality that focuses on balancing the energy flow within the body to promote physical, spiritual, mental and emotional well-being. This is done through a direct interaction with a client's spine, nervous system and energetic field. 

In our lifetime, we can go through a myriad of experiences and trauma, creating an accumulation of blockages within the physical body and energetic system. Our nervous system can become dysregulated. Spinal Energetics works on releasing these blockages along with releasing tension, stress, resistance and trauma that are stored within the body, restoring our overall health, balancing our energy flow and regulating our nervous system.

The Benefits of Spinal Energetics

There is a wide range of benefits that one can experience. The benefits can include the below and range from subtle, internal and/or subconscious changes to visible, external and/or physical changes in your life. 

These include and are not limited to:

  • Healthier spine, balanced nervous system and smooth energy flow
  • Increased awakening and connection between mind, body and spirit
  • Overall well-being and vitality, affecting different aspects of your life
  • Increased awareness and incentive to further support your healing and health
  • Feelings of relaxation and reduction in stress, fatigue and overwhelm
  • Promotes natural healing and recovery
  • Feel more aligned with your values and purpose in life, making healthier choices
  • Develop a natural ability to manage stress and heavy emotions throughout life

Each client also has their own responsibility to take extra care of themselves after each session and between sessions. With Spinal Energetics the hope is that with improved energy levels and flow, the client is motivated to make better and healthier life choices thus enhancing their quality of life.

How Spinal Energetics Works - What happens during a session?

It is important to highlight that every practitioner works slightly differently, we all work in a way that is best for us and our clients.

There is usually a pre-assessment questionnaire that your practitioner will send out to you before you meet, well in my case that is what happens. This allows the practitioner to gain a better understanding of yourself and your past history, current situations or health concerns that may impact your session.

After speaking to your practitioner in the beginning of your session, you can feel free to ask your questions or raise any concerns. When you are ready, you will be asked to lay on the table.

After a physical assessment, the practitioner uses their hands, breath, intention and visualization to work with the client's physical spine and energetic field and layers, locating bound up areas of tension that need to be released.

The goal is to create a fluid flow within the body which means energy is flowing smoothly. Depending on your practitioner you may be asked to follow a few instructions such as taking deep breaths, moving parts of the body or stretching deeper.

Types of response and movement to Spinal Energetics during a session

  • Each person is unique in how they respond. Some move immediately, some after a few sessions, some take longer, some never. We are all different and unique and we should not compare ourselves to others.
  • Clients can experience a sense of calmness and relaxation, some can have a deep emotional release, tears, making sounds, yoga poses on the table, muscle twitching and vibration - these are all perfectly normal
  • Those who have done previous energy work, meditate, practice yoga, work with chakras, reiki, kundalini or other healing modalities and who are very connected to and feel safe within their body are most likely to move, stretch and flow.
  • Many people can have a deep internal experience which isn't visible on the outside. Personally for my first ever session I did not move, I only felt the energy moving within my body (The release I had the next week was huge)
  • It is important to note that the amount of movement does not correlate to the amount of depth or benefits a person may receive during a session.

Who Can Benefit from Spinal Energetics?

Anyone seeking alternative and complementary healing modalities can definitely look into Spinal Energetics. It is a personal choice and every client will have their own personal reasons for coming in.

As for any modality you wish to undertake it is always best to do your research and see what really resonates with you. It is always extra special if you have a connection with your practitioner, there's a reason why you are drawn to them in the first place. 

I highly encourage that you seek out a qualified practitioner for further information and treatment. 

Feel free to read up more about Spinal Energetics and view their practitioner directory on their official website here 

Work with me

To work with me, I am currently taking in-person clients (min. 3 sessions commitment) in Singapore at Mind and Movement Raffles Place located at 17 Phillip Street, #04-00 Grand Building, Singapore 048695. Online sessions are also available (single and group sessions available).

Check my Spinal Energetics page for more info and find bookings links.

There are limited slots so please book in advance to avoid disappointment. It is best to follow me on Instagram @shirleymaljanen as I make frequent updates/announcements there.

Holistic coaching is also wonderful to complement this modality so if you are looking for a combination of both then do get in touch and we can arrange private sessions to what best suits you. 

Feel free to contact me for further information. 


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