Top 10 Healing Super Foods You Didn’t Know About

healing lifestyle May 06, 2022

You only get one in this lifetime. One body to cherish, nurture and love. Are you taking care of yours? A lot of us neglect our precious bodies that carry us through this lifetime and we are usually good at criticizing our bodies and finding fault with it when all it wants to do is survive, grow and love!

Our bodies allow our souls to experience the physical realm in order to learn and master crucial lessons required for our personal growth and it is through these bodies that give us the ability to feel, to move, to express and to experience. We are so blessed to have this chance here on earth so why are we not appreciating ourselves more? Self-love also involves taking care of our bodies.

When we are mentally and emotionally overwhelmed, we tend to neglect our physical health too. It all links back to each other, happier bodies equal to happier minds and vice versa.

We unfortunately block ourselves from the most nutritious healing super foods out there and our planet is full of them. You don’t have to fight tooth and nail or pay a ridiculous sum of money to get these healing ingredients. I am going to give you a shortcut today by letting you know about some of the most healing super foods that have been right under your nose all along.

I am a big fan of Anthony Williams aka the Medical Medium. He started the global celery juice movement that is healing people all over the world, even those with chronic or mystery illnesses and even life-threatening diseases and cancers. His books are top bestsellers worldwide and I recommend you check them out if you haven’t already, especially if you are truly serious about making a change to your health. It will change your way of thinking and will make you think twice about what you put in your bodies. I wouldn’t share anything with you that I didn’t believe in and as someone who communicates with angels too, know that I truly believe in this.

The foods discussed here may already be sitting in your fridge or laying around in your kitchen. Are you aware of the healing abilities that your food possess?

Let’s waste no time and scroll down to see a list of my favorite top 10 healing power foods which are affordable and easily available!

#1 Celery Juice

Fresh celery juice is one of the most potent healing drinks out there in the world. Drinking 16 oz (approx 470ml) of celery juice every morning at least 20 mins before eating your breakfast is a health trend that is ever growing and ever healing. Celery juice has proven to bring intense healing results when carried out daily. Drink your celery juice without pulp and pure, without mixing with any other ingredients, for the highest benefit. Everyone should jump on the celery juice train. See below for some of the incredible benefits celery juice can bring you and you can read more healing benefits in the link below.

  • Anti-inflammatory properties, fights auto-immune diseases
  • Anti-viral properties, kills off pathogens and viruses
  • Anti-bacterial properties, kills strep bacteria
  • Fights chronic illnesses and brain fog
  • Detoxes the liver and strengthens liver functions,
  • Eliminates toxins from the body
  • Supports the vascular system

For full detailed healing properties, click here

#2 Wild Blueberries

It was through my countless trips to Finland where my obsession for wild blueberries began. We would pick them straight from the blueberry bushes which were sprawled all over the wild forest floors, nibbling them throughout the day as they stained our hands and the remaining berries would end up in a pie or made into jam. Wild blueberries are smaller and highly pigmented. The taste and benefits differ significantly to farmed blueberries commonly found in our grocery stores and which are usually larger in size. Want to know a secret? Along with celery juice, wild blueberries are one of the top healing super foods out there. Benefits for eating these miracle berries include:

  • Eliminate heavy metals from the brain
  • Ultimate liver detox
  • Anti-cancer properties, fights and prevents cancers
  • Fights and prevents disease
  • High levels of antioxidants

For full detailed healing properties click here

#3 Cilantro (Coriander)

You’ll either love it or you hate it. I can’t believe there are hate groups out there for this herb! If only they knew the immense healing properties cilantro contains. This is a herb that is definitely taken for granted but know that the benefits of coriander greatly outweigh the taste. The best way to have coriander is in its raw form. I know lots of you are blending these into your green shakes, smoothies and dips which, if you’re not a big fan, can be a huge help if you need a way to dilute the taste. Below points show some of the many benefits that coriander will help you with:

  • Heavy metal detoxification
  • Blood detoxification
  • Aids with brain fog , memory issues
  • Anti viral and anti bacterial
  • Chronic or mystery illnesses

For full detailed healing properties click here

#4 Garlic

Dating back to ancient times and spread over all cultures and civilizations, garlic has been used not only as a food ingredient but also for health and medicinal purposes. Garlic is highly nutritious and contains anti oxidants. If you can’t handle the strong taste, you can find garlic in powder or pill form. I personally love roasted garlic as the taste is milder and creamier. There are many ways to consume garlic. Some of their incredible benefits include:

  • Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties
  • Anti-cancer, and anti-viral properties  
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Essential vitamins and minerals
  • Eliminates lead and heavy metals from the body

For full detailed healing properties click here

#5 Ginger

Like garlic, ginger has been used in many cultures not only for cooking but also as tonics for ailments and medicinal use. Drinking something as simple as ginger water is incredibly beneficial to your health and not to mention ridiculously easy to make. Throw ginger into your stir-fries, cook them with your rice or make ginger teas and tonics to drink. If you can’t bear the strong ginger taste, you can find ginger in other different forms such as powder, tinctures and capsules. Mix it up and get creative. Below are some of the benefits from consuming ginger.

  • Aids with colds and flu
  • Potent immune booster
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Aids in digestion and nausea
  • Aids in balancing and stabilizing the liver
  • Aids in weight loss by reducing body fat

For full detailed healing properties click here


#6 Raw Honey

Raw honey or liquid gold is a powerful super food that has been consumed since the beginning of time. Honey as we know it has been used for both nutritional and medicinal purposes. Known for its antiviral, anti fungal, antibacterial and anticancer properties combined with its delicious sweet flavor, it is no surprise that honey is one of our favorites out of all the super foods available to us. The sugar in honey is not the same as processed sugar so don’t deny your body of reaping the benefits because you are afraid of the sugar content. Opt for raw honey if you can which is unfiltered and untreated for best benefits. Some of the benefits of raw honey include:

  • Anti viral and antibiotic properties
  • Anti fungal and anti cancer properties
  • Strengthens the immune system and digestive health
  • Reduces fatigue and increases energy and productivity
  • Purifies the blood and stabilizes blood pressure

For full detailed healing properties click here

#7 Lemons

Who hasn’t tried a hot cup of lemon, ginger and honey tea? The perfect concoction when you are feeling under the weather and to curl up in bed with. Lemons are packed with a high number of health benefits. Every time you prepare a water bottle, drop some slices of lemon in there. I always keep a bottle of lemon water in the fridge that I let sit overnight! I love to add mint leaves and cucumbers too for that extra refreshing taste. Never underestimate the healing powers of this yellow fruit. Some of the benefits of lemons include:

  • Essential vitamins and packed with minerals, anti-aging
  • Anti viral, antiseptic and antibiotic properties
  • Great for detoxification and purifies the blood
  • Supports the immune system, supports weight loss
  • Supports the digestive tract

For full detailed healing properties click here

#8 Spinach

Use spinach in salads, smoothies, blends, dips or cook them in your meals although it is best to eat spinach raw. There are many ways to consume this powerful, dark, green and leafy vegetable that suits your taste buds. Spinach contains essential vitamins for bone/skin health and is a great source of iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium. It is also recommended for women to consume during pregnancy because of folate present in spinach which reduces neural tube/spinal defects in fetuses and reduces the chance of miscarriage. Some of the benefits of spinach include:

  • Essential vitamins and packed with minerals
  • Aids in digestion and supports digestive tracts
  • Supports the immune system and bone health
  • Heals and strengthen the nervous system
  • Lowers blood pressure levels
  • Heals and cleanses the liver

For full detailed healing properties click here

#9 Bananas

Definitely one of the most healing fruits we take for granted today. We think that searching for rarer and least accessible fruits will bring us better benefits when as a matter of fact the fruits we have an arm’s length away are already jam packed with nutrients and healing properties. Bananas contain a high level of vitamins and minerals. If you are an active person, bananas are energizing and will give you that extra boost of energy. The best time to eat bananas is when the skin has speckled and is a little sweeter. See some of the benefits below just from eating bananas:

  • Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties
  • Anti-cancer, and anti-viral properties  
  • Essential vitamin and core minerals
  • Supports digestive tracts and strengthens stomach lining, preventing ulcers
  • Promotes nutrient absorption during digestion

For full detailed healing properties click here

#10 Berries

Wild berries like raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, mulberries, gooseberries are completely nutrient packed with robust healing properties. Wild blueberries as already mentioned above is one of the most healing foods on this planet however there are other berries to consider, depending which are most available and accessible to you. Many of us are exposed to toxins on a daily basis and without us knowing, especially for those of us living in cities. Even our homes can contain chemicals which we are usually unaware of and these can come for example from cleaning products, heavy metals in fish, pharmaceuticals etc. See below for some of the benefits berries can give you:

  • High level antioxidant properties
  • Anti-cancer and anti-viral properties
  • Essential vitamins and minerals
  • Contains anti-inflammatory properties
  • Supports autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular diseases
  • Anti aging properties

For full detailed healing properties click here

Lasting Thoughts

The first book I ever read from the Medical Medium was Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal and I didn’t realize how much I would learn from one book alone. You will learn how Anthony developed his spiritual gifts, who communicates with him from the other side and how he discovered the most powerful, healing foods found on our planet today. Find healing food recipes and powerful teas from his books. One article alone is not enough to share with you the myriad of healing foods out there. The Universe is really helping us and by channeling through Anthony we have now been given access to this knowledge.

The next book on my reading list is Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide. I hope you enjoyed this article!

Remember that everything we need in order to heal is already present and accessible to us. It is only up to us whether we want to make that change.


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