Welcome to My Blog!

healing lifestyle spirituality May 06, 2022

Hello beautiful souls, I hope you are all well and welcome to my new blog! Thought I’d give you a little introduction and also to update you on what I’ve been up to lately. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being here, it means so much to me!

If you haven’t already, I suggest reading my About Me page just so that you have an idea about my story and why I wanted to create this blog in the first place. This is a blog about spirituality, healing, self-love and for the spiritual empowerment of women. I wanted to create a positive space where women could come to feel inspired, to regain hope and to reignite the spark they believe they have lost. I want this blog to be their beacon of light and to remind them that they are not alone with whatever they’re going through. I am a big advocate for women supporting other women and believe that when we are all helping each other, we can make a tremendous change.

This year has been very eventful for me, from finally having the courage to leave the corporate world to marrying the love of my life to now being able to pursue my passions. Earlier this year, I started volunteering at the local hospice, meeting and helping incredible souls. I specifically help those who are already at the end of their lives with only a few days left, allowing the families to rest while we take care of their loved ones and giving them as much comfort as we possibly can. I am now able to spend more quality time with my son now which was hard to do before and I can tell that he is a lot happier to have me at home, as am I.

Since our wedding in July, I have been keeping myself busy creating the website, writing articles for the blog and building my online crystal shop on Etsy, Crystal Home Healing. These are my creative outlets which I have been suppressing for such a long time and I am so happy that the blog and shop are both finally out there and available to you. It was during my spiritual journey when my love for rocks and crystals began and I think my husband is starting to get worried about the growing collection we have at home!

With many things happening this year, it definitely brought up a lot of unwanted fear. The fear of being judged is one of them, especially now I’m coming out with my spirituality and showing the real me. I have dealt with criticism from others who believe this blog won’t lead to anything successful, that this is not real work and even though it did hurt to hear it, it was also an extra boost of motivation. I only needed faith in myself to start this blog, not faith from others. Trust me, I would not be where I am today if I were to rely on others. At this stage, I see this blog as a starting point, a beginning to many pathways which may lead to other opportunities, opening hidden doors that I would have never found otherwise and what if it does become successful? I do know that if I didn’t start this at all I would never know the answer to that question!

Leaving my full time job after 8 years was hard, it took me 2 years to gather the courage to quit, I didn’t just wake up one day and say “alright let’s not go in to work no more!” I put in a lot of thought into my decision and honestly tried my best to make it work but as I progressed further into my spiritual journey, it became increasingly intolerable. I couldn’t grow in an environment that was stifling my creativity and spirituality. I couldn’t be my true self and I wasn’t happy. I look back now and I have absolutely no regrets for leaving and I know that I am meant to be where I am in my life, right here and right now in this moment.

Today, it is through my own healing and spiritual journeys that I now dedicate my time to healing and helping as many people as I can.

All of the blog posts you see here come straight from the heart and I know that there are people who will need to read them, as I had needed to in the past. Everything seems like it’s falling into place and the universe has shown me a multitude of signs that I am on the right path. My family and closest friends know how far I have come to get here and I am so grateful to them for being by my side and supporting my passions and dreams. Writing this blog is definitely pushing me out of my comfort zone, so do bear with me while I figure out the blogging world in my own time!

Thank you for your support. You have no idea how much it means to me to have you here! Please feel free to share my posts and spread the word about my blog, especially if there is somebody out there you know who may need to read something on here. You can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. I hope you enjoy the blog, have a lovely day and happy Halloween!

Sending you so much love,

Shirley xx

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