Why do we have Guardian Angels?

spirituality May 06, 2022

So valuable to heaven is the dignity of the human soul that every member of the human race has a Guardian Angel from the moment the person begins to be.

St. Jerome

Did you know that you have always had an entourage of angelic and spirit beings all along? Your guardian angels and spirit guides have always been with you behind the scenes, guiding you every step of the way as your life unfolds.

Some of us go through an entire lifetime not realizing that angels have been there all along, supporting and loving us unconditionally. If you ever think you are truly alone, know that you are not. They are there by your side every second of the day and will never leave you. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in them or not, they will always be there.

I never used to believe in angels until they made themselves known to me a few years ago during my spiritual awakening. Since then, I have had a very strong affinity for these beautiful light beings and a day doesn’t go by where I don’t communicate with them in some way. It is a blessing to have angels present in our daily lives and I will explain about them below.

What are Guardian Angels?

Guardian angels are highly evolved spiritual light beings. They are beings of pure and infinite love where ego and judgement do not exist. Guardian angels are powerful and compassionate divine messengers. Just like us in our spirit form, angels are neither male nor female but some angels can project energies that can either be masculine or feminine.

Angels have been around long before life existed on earth and they have been recorded in all cultures since the beginning of humankind. Every single soul on this planet has been assigned a guardian angel. They work with all faiths and non believers, regardless of who you are or what you’ve done in life, even if you think you are undeserving of one, they are here with you. Each of us can have several guardian angels too, depending on your life mission, a wondrous angel tribe. You may have even had the same guardian angel with you over several lifetimes so you may already be very well acquainted with yours.

What are the roles of your Guardian Angels?

Guardian angels have been assigned duties to protect, assist and guide us on our earthly journey from birth right until our last breath, where they will then guide us back to the spiritual plane. Like God or source, they want us to live a peaceful, happy life and at the same time help us to be in alignment with our spiritual truths and accomplish our soul mission here on earth. You can consider them to be like one of your best friends or family who is always there for you.

All angels respect our free will so they cannot interfere and play an active role unless we give them permission to do so. We have to ask the angels to help us and ask them repeatedly, that worked best for me. There are only specific situations where they can fully intervene, for example in an emergency situation or in a situation where, if not for their intervention, would throw you too far off your predestined life path. Angels strictly cannot interfere with the path you have set for yourself before you were born. If we are supposed to go through something in life to gain an experience required for our growth, we will go through it no matter what, but know that the angels are there to cushion the fall, comfort you and help you get up on your feet again.

Are my Guardian Angels listening to my prayers? 

Always and to every single one. They are listening to you through what you say out loud and through your thoughts. Especially when you ask for help through prayer, you are in fact calling the angels in and giving them the permission to help you. 

Angels do not work like genies where they can grant your wishes on demand but that doesn’t mean to say that they aren’t working on them. We can’t see it but angels are always working hard behind the scenes, concocting plans to help you. They will answer our prayers which are in alignment with our highest good, even if it means not making our prayers happen sometimes or answering them in a way which is completely beyond our expectations. In time when you do look back, you may come to understand why your prayers were not fulfilled or why they were answered in a certain way and you will realize that there was indeed a better outcome for you after all. Be very patient as in the spirit world, everything happens in divine timing (sometimes a little too slow for my liking!) But trust that the angels will give you exactly what you need when it is the right time for you. 

How do our Guardian Angels communicate with us?

There are many ways in which your guardian angels can communicate with you. They are in fact communicating with us all the time through our thoughts, feelings and signs, but because the majority of us are so immersed with the hustle and bustle of daily life, we tend to be too distracted to notice.

Your guardian angels can also communicate with you through dreams, numbers, people, animals and even technology. They can influence your emotions by heightening or softening your feelings to help you with a certain situation. Angels can also warn you of a potential danger through intensifying your gut feelings, making you tense and uneasy, causing you to divert your path and avoid a certain situation. They can give you that nagging feeling you can’t shake off or a strong urge to do something. Sometimes you just can’t get a specific thought out of your head or out of nowhere a brilliant idea comes to mind.

For example, you may have had the sudden urge to alter your route home for no reason and you realize later that you have just avoided a two hour traffic jam or a major accident. You might randomly pick up the phone to call mum in the middle of the night (which you never do) and you find out that she really needs your help. You may be on your way to work and you suddenly trip, spilling the coffee you were holding all down your shirt, forcing you to go home and change and upon arriving at home you realize that you had left the stove on. I could go on but these are some of the many examples of what your angels can do. Like the butterfly effect, the angels are able to lead you to places and to the people you are supposed to meet as they can be placed in your path to play out a specific role in your life. Your guardian angels can see the outcome of all the decisions we make and therefore can help us accordingly.

Angels can influence the material world and our environment to help us, but of course it is up to us whether we follow their guidance. We tend to doubt the information that pops into our heads and most of their guidance goes down the drain so to speak. There are many signs the angels could be leaving you and they will use the environment around you to accomplish that. When they want you to notice a sign, they will make you glance at a certain direction. These signs can come in the form of pennies on the ground, music on the radio you relate to, seeing angel shaped clouds, angel numbers, white feathers, animals, rainbows and any object or thing that carries a significance to you. They will show these signs to you repeatedly.

Lasting thoughts

I hope by now you are more aware that we all have loving angels by our side. Your guardian angels only have pure unconditional love for you and they have never judged you once for anything you have done in your life. Know that they will never ever give up on you. Angels love you more than you will ever know, you are so precious to them. If you want your guardian angels to interact with you more and participate actively in your life, you have to invite them in. Open your heart and mind and be aware of the messages they are trying to tell you. Developing a relationship with your guardian angel is wonderful. You can talk to them out loud or even in your head, they are always there listening. I talk to my angels like I talk to my best friends, in a very chatty and casual manner.

The angels want us to have a rewarding and fulfilled life but remember that your angels are not here to live out our lives for us, they will not do everything for us, it is ultimately up to us to make the big decisions, to go where we want to go, to become who we want to become. This is for our soul growth. How do we learn if our parents do every single thing for us? Like the angels, our families can only guide us as best as they can and eventually it is up to us whether we choose to pursue their guidance. 

Have a wonderful day! Sending you lots of love.

Shirley xx

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